Preserving format properties of original documents (text, graphic and layout), PDF Suite is designed to efficiently exchange electronic documents in a secure format. Easily view, search, print, convert and modify Adobe Acrobat compatible PDF Documents from any PC application.
Our 9.0 version converts from 24 new file formats (e.g. Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Visio 2007); is compatible with Windows XP/Vista; has a 6 second conversion process; and is 58% faster than the previous release, emerging as market leader for its performance.
Open & view PDF files
* New feature: automated PDF opening from Windows Explorer Automated PDF opening with “one-button ease” from Windows Explorer
* New feature: fastest PDF solution on the market Fastest PDF solution, 58% faster start-up than previous version.
* “PDF Reader” full compatibility regardless of hardware and software platforms
* Dynamic PDF Converter from any PC application (322 file formats)
* Enhanced reviewing features and consolidation into a single file
* Accommodating distribution with “Single-Click PDF sending” by e-mail
Create/convert PDF files
* New feature: automated PDF opening from Windows Explorer Automated PDF opening with “one-button ease” from Windows Explorer
* New feature: automated PDF creation from Microsoft Windows Automated PDF creation with “one-button ease” from MS Office.
* Fastest PDF solution, conversion in 6 seconds, 48 % faster than previous version.
* Dynamic PDF writer from any PC application (322 file formats).
* Optimized High Quality PDF output for printing, onscreen, ebook reading, etc.
* Simple “right-click PDF conversion” from MS Windows Explorer.
Modify/edit PDF files
* New feature: Latest comprehensive Editing package Latest comprehensive editing package to simplify changes
* New feature: fastest PDF solution on the market Fastest PDF solution, 58% faster start-up than previous version
* Optimized High Quality PDF output for printing, onscreen editing, ebook reading, etc.
* Save time by reusing PDFs and exporting them in MS Word or image formats
* Dynamic PDF Converter from any PC application (322 file formats)
* Enhanced reviewing features and consolidation into a single file
Review/combine PDF files
* New feature: full set of reviewing tools Full set of reviewing tools to indicate modifications.
* New feature: combining functionality to merge documents “Combining functionality” to merge multiple documents into a single PDF file.
* New feature: fastest PDF solution on the market Fastest PDF solution, 58% faster start-up than previous version
* Save time by reusing PDFs and exporting them in MS Word or image formats
* Dynamic PDF Converter from any PC application (322 file formats)
* Accommodating distribution with “Single-Click PDF sending” by e-mail
Export PDF documents
* New feature: PDF Export toolbar to save PDFs in various formats Easy PDF Export toolbar to save PDFs in Microsoft Word or image formats.
* New feature: fastest PDF solution on the market Fastest PDF solution, conversion in 6 seconds, 48 % faster than previous version.
* Dynamic PDF Converter from any PC application (322 file formats)
* Full Control of PDF files with editing functions to modify page layout, texts and images
* Enhanced reviewing features and consolidation into a single file
* Facilitate distribution with “Single-Click PDF sending” by e-mail
Compatible with: Windows 2000 / XP and Vista
Compatible with: Microsoft Office XP/2000, Microsoft Office 2003/2007
Size: 23 MB.
Multilingual: English, Spanish, French,German
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