Night Electric Night
“When the night just strikes through you - And the night just spread its legs and open up for you”
After three years it's finally here, the long awaited follow-up album to the massively successful “Termination Bliss”, and it's a bombraid of depression, death, sex and rock. ”Night Electric Night” is tough and black, yet seductive and passionated in its expression of the city’s destructive nightside. By expanding structures and using even more varied elements the deathglammers have strengthened and deepened the richness in their trademark of superdark rock.
Guitarist, songwriter and producer Nightmare Industries takes a drag on his cigarette and leans forward.
“This album is the very mirror of our last years and our struggle through this time up until now. It deals with a whole spectrum of emotions, but without loosing that straight forward nerve of raw dark feverish rock music a la Deathstars. Even though the songs vary more now, from the ripping ”Night Electric Night” to the seriousness in ”Via the End”, which I wrote the very night I found out about my brothers suicide, it holds an honest consequence right through the album.
"Night Electric Night” is about their lives and their experiences, their personal issues and the action-/horrordrama which represents the manic environment that the band exists within. It deals a lot with reflections of situations right then and there, and this time the Swedes have really put it all together in an exquisite way. The Deathglam-style they originated with their first two albums "Synthetic Generation" and "Termination Bliss" sounds more huge and alive than ever; it’s dark and cold, yet massively heavy and warm - a paradox that defines the very essence of Deathstars.
With the combination of their cynical irony - a constant black humour that so well defines the band - and the hard seriousness that are the fundaments of every song, Deathstars walk the fine line of sophisticated darkness with the always clear and present vibe of sex, guts and horrorish vogue. It is hellish hot stuff, but also entertaining, and somewhat frightening.
"I am very pleased with how the songs illustrates our lives, because that’s what it’s all about - our every night situations and the timeless sounds of the depraved city. I just wanted to combine serious personal issues, destructive city nighttime, naked bodies and the dark presence of Russia. It is the absolute Fort Knox of modern dark rock”, says vocalist Whiplasher. Rich, golden, and heavily guarded.
It is a ravishing rock group of many faces, with members who are as weird as they are charismatic and their unconventional shows never goes unnoticed.
Following the success of their previous album "Termination Bliss", Deathstars won the award for Best Newcomers at the Golden Gods Awards in 2007 as presented by the UK Metal Hammer Magazine. They also won the goldtitle, the "Champions Belt" at the TV- and radio music-contest Get In The Ring, after swiping the floor with all the other contenders at the Hammersmith Apollo, London in 2007. During the time span of a year Deathstars played nearly 200 shows in Europe and apart from their headlining tours they also toured Europe together with bands like Cradle of Filth and KORN. After Radio-/TV- and sales chart entries, occasionally topping them, nobody who is anybody has missed Deathstars. Now they are back to bring you the most striking album so far. "Night Electric Night"
"Night Electric Night” was recorded in Metrosonic Studios, New York City, USA and in Future Legends Studios, Stockholm, Sweden.
Produced by Nightmare Industries and mixed by Stefan Glaumann at Toytown Studios, Stockholm, Sweden.
Deathstars will tour the world with “Night Electric Night” in 2009.
Sumber : www.nuclearblast.de
Download Deathstars - Night Electric Night (2009) via :
|ziddu| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|4shared| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|upshare| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|ezuploads| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|megaupload| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|indowebster| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium