Watch Video Hoobastank - My Turn :
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Hoobastank - For(n)ever (2009)
Artist: Hoobastank
Album: For(n)ever
Label: Island
Playtime: 38:31 min
Genre: Alternative
Rip date: 2009-01-23
Street date: 2009-01-27
Size: 66.14 MB
Type: Normal
Quality: 227 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo
Album: For(n)ever
Label: Island
Playtime: 38:31 min
Genre: Alternative
Rip date: 2009-01-23
Street date: 2009-01-27
Size: 66.14 MB
Type: Normal
Quality: 227 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo
Homepage :
Download Hoobastank - For(n)ever (2009) via :
|ziddu| :
01. My Turn
02. I Don't Think I Love You
03. So Close, So Far
04. All About You
05. The Letter
06. Tears Of Yesterday
07. Sick Of Hanging On
08. You're The One
09. Who The Hell Am I?
10. You Need To Be Here
11. Gone Gone Gone
|upshare| :
01. My Turn
02. I Don't Think I Love You
03. So Close, So Far
04. All About You
05. The Letter
06. Tears Of Yesterday
07. Sick Of Hanging On
08. You're The One
09. Who The Hell Am I?
10. You Need To Be Here
11. Gone Gone Gone
|ezuploads| :
01. My Turn
02. I Don't Think I Love You
03. So Close, So Far
04. All About You
05. The Letter
06. Tears Of Yesterday
07. Sick Of Hanging On
08. You're The One
09. Who The Hell Am I?
10. You Need To Be Here
11. Gone Gone Gone
|rapidshare| :
01. My Turn
02. I Don't Think I Love You
03. So Close, So Far
04. All About You
05. The Letter
06. Tears Of Yesterday
07. Sick Of Hanging On
08. You're The One
09. Who The Hell Am I?
10. You Need To Be Here
11. Gone Gone Gone
|indowebster| :
01. My Turn
02. I Don't Think I Love You
03. So Close, So Far
04. All About You
05. The Letter
06. Tears Of Yesterday
07. Sick Of Hanging On
08. You're The One
09. Who The Hell Am I?
10. You Need To Be Here
11. Gone Gone Gone
Music International
Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia (2009) DVDRip

Directors : Tim Matheson
Writer : Tobias Iaconis (written by)
Release Date : 6 January 2009 (USA)
Genre : Action, Thriller, War
Plot : Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.
Sumber :
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Movie International
Ello - Masih Ada

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Music Indonesia
Abdul & The Coffee Theory - Beauty Is You

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Music Indonesia
Outlander (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Howard McCain
Writer WGA : Dirk Blackman (written by) & Howard McCain (written by)
Release Date : 11 July 2008 (Latvia)
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Tagline : It destroyed his world. He won't let it destroy ours.
Plot : During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan (Caviezel), a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking's Iron Age weaponry.
Sumber :
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Movie International
Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2008)

Jenis Film : Drama
Produser : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Produksi : Md Pictures
Durasi : 120 Min
Pemain : Fedi Nuril, Rianti Cartwright, Carissa Putri, Zaskia Adya Mecca, Melanie Putria, Hj. Mieke Wijaya
Sutradara : Hanung Bramantyo
Penulis : Salman Aristo/ginatri Noer/habiburrachman El Shira
Ini adalah kisah cinta. Tapi bukan cuma sekedar kisah cinta yang biasa. Ini tentang bagaimana menghadapi turun-naiknya persoalan hidup dengan cara Islam. Fahri bin Abdillah (Fedi Nuril) adalah pelajar Indonesia yang berusaha menggapai gelar masternya di Al Ahzar. Berjibaku dengan panas-debu Mesir. Berkutat dengan berbagai macam target dan kesederhanaan hidup. Bertahan dengan menjadi penerjemah buku-buku agama. Semua target dijalani Fahri dengan penuh antusiasme kecuali satu: menikah. Kenapa? Karena Fahri adalah laki-laki taat yang begitu ‘lurus’. Dia tidak mengenal pacaran sebelum menikah. Dia kurang artikulatif saat berhadapan dengan mahluk bernama perempuan. Hanya ada sedikit perempuan yang dekat dengannya selama ini. Neneknya, Ibunya dan saudara perempuannya. Betul begitu? Sepertinya pindah ke Mesir membuat hal itu berubah
Tersebutlah Maria Girgis (Carissa Putri). Tetangga satu flat yang beragama Kristen Koptik tapi mengagumi Al Quran. Dan menganggumi Fahri. Kekaguman yang berubah menjadi cinta. Sayang cinta Maria hanya tercurah dalam diary saja. Lalu ada Nurul (Melanie Putria). Anak seorang kyai terkenal yang juga mengeruk ilmu di Al Azhar. Sebenarnya Fahri menaruh hati pada gadis manis ini. Sayang rasa mindernya yang hanya anak keturunan petani membuatnya tidak pernah menunjukkan rasa apa pun pada Nurul. Sementara Nurul pun menjadi ragu dan selalu menebak-nebak. Setelah itu ada Noura (Zaskia Adya Mecca). Juga tetangga yang selalu disika Ayahnya sendiri. Fahri berempati penuh dengan Noura dan ingin menolongnya. Sayang hanya empati saja. Tidak lebih. Namun Noura yang mengharap lebih. Dan nantinya ini menjadi masalah besar ketika Noura menuduh Fahri memperkosanya
Terakhir muncullah Aisha (Rianti Cartwright). Si mata indah yang menyihir Fahri. Sejak sebuah kejadian di metro, saat Fahri membela Islam dari tuduhan kolot dan kaku, Aisha jatuh cinta pada Fahri. Dan Fahri juga tidak bisa membohongi hatinya. Lalu bagaimana bocah desa nan lurus itu menghadapi ini semua? Siapa yang dipilihnya? Bisakah dia menjalani semua dalam jalur Islam yang sangat dia yakini?
Sumber :,movie,1819.htm
Homepage :
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Movie Indonesia
Download Mp3 Best Of Peterpan
Track List :
1. Kisah Cintaku
2. Cobalah Mengerti
3. Semua Tentang Kita
4. Sally Sendiri
5. Yang Terdalam
6. Menghapus Jejakmu
7. Hari Yang Cerah
8. Kupu Kupu Malam
9. Walau Habis Terang
10.Kukatakan Dengan Indah
11.Diatas Normal
14.Tak Bisakah
16.Bintang Di Surga
18.Di Balik Awan
19.Taman Langit
Download Mp3 Best Of Peterpan
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Download - Cobalah Mengerti.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Semua Tentang Kita.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Sally Sendiri.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Yang Terdalam.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Menghapus Jejakmu.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Hari Yang Cerah.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Kupu Kupu Malam.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Walau Habis Terang.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Kukatakan Dengan Indah.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Diatas Normal.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Bebas.mp3 - PETERPAN
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Download - Topeng.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Bintang Di Surga.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Menunggumu.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Di Balik Awan.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Taman Langit.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Menunggumu.mp3 - PETERPAN feat CHRISYE
Download - Kisah Cintaku.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Cobalah Mengerti.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Semua Tentang Kita.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Sally Sendiri.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Yang Terdalam.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Menghapus Jejakmu.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Hari Yang Cerah.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Kupu Kupu Malam.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Walau Habis Terang.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Kukatakan Dengan Indah.mp3 - PETERPAN
Download - Diatas Normal.mp3 - PETERPAN
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Vista Transformation Pack v 9.0

Vista Transformation Pack will give to your Windows XP system the new and cool look of Microsoft’s future operating system: Windows Vista. The pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop such as a dock bar or a different system tray clock. It is free and does a great job of giving machine a look similar to Vista.
It does have uninstallation options in case you decide you want to get rid of it, so there really isn’t anything to lose. However, when you install the software it has to overwrite some system files (it modifies things like the boot screen) so Windows will prompt you stating that your system files have been changed. It will ask whether you want to change them back or leave them, so just leave them if you want the system to function properly.
Features of “Vista Transformation Pack”:
• Boot screen
• Welcome Screen / Logon Screen
• New msstyles files (visual styles)
• New desktop and file icons
• New toolbar icons
• Progress Dialogs
• Sounds scheme
• System Tray icons
• New Wallpapers
• Windows Media Player Skins
Vista Transformation Pack 9.0 Keynotes:
New 3rd-party applications
ViSplore - Vista Glass explorer simulator
Vista Drive Icon - adding free space percentage in your drive icon like Vista explorer
Vista Rainbar - Lightweight Vista sidebar based on Rainmeter that even consume less resources than real Vista Sidebar
Improved 3rd-party applications
ViStart - Files indexing for documents search, improved reliability and compatibilities
ViOrb - Improved graphic and reliability (C++ re-written)
TrueTransparency - Improved reliability with improved AeroStyle’s glass border
WinFlip - Improved stability and reliablity
New functionalities
Setup personization - Allow customizing Vista experiences upon installation without access to Welcome Center
Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibilities - Now you can enjoy Vista themes after installation with Windows XP Service Pack 3
x64 compatibilities - More secured x64 installation without getting hurt by incompatibilities
There’re also a lot of bug fixes and refinements in the program but let’s just keep it simple with these for now. You can experience the rest later by yourself.
Changes in Version 9.0
-Added Gavatx’s Vista Rainbar 4.3 (Slim) in place of Thoosje’s Vista Sidebar
-Added large icon resizing option for high resolution monitors
-Added Personalization setup screen for configuring current user account before installation
-Added running ViStart, ViOrb and ViSplore to WindowBlinds and TrueTransparency’s exclusion list (prevent stability issues)
-Added ViSplore project (Vista Glass Explorer for Windows XP/2003)
-Added Vista Drive Icon in place of Vista Windows Drive Icon
-Added Windows XP Service Pack 3 uxtheme patching compatibilities
-Fixed automate 3rd-party applications optimization requirements
-Fixed graphic driver detection issues in transformation package for cases that doesn’t use the first slot of driver
-Fixed OS detection incompatibilities with Windows Vista
-Fixed possible errors when auto-configuring user account during installation without “Express Mode”
-Fixed Thoosje Sidebar’s auto-configuration bug on some resolutions.
-Fixed uninstallation script to terminate newly added applications such as WinFlip, TrueTransparency, etc.
-Fixed Vista orb positioning in “System Properties” dialog
-Fixed WindowBlinds’ installation detection bug in configure user account dialog
-Updated Aero Style’s glass border for more visibility and less distortion for both WindowBlinds and TrueTransparency
-Updated AeroStyle’s glass border in TrueTransparency to simulate “little-blurring-like” WindowBlinds
-Updated boot screen to traditional ones without Vista flag
-Updated configure user account’s installed components and applications UI
-Updated “Glass” sounds scheme from Windows Vista’s Ultimate Extras
-Updated installation branding bar image
-Updated TrueTransparency to version 0.9.4
-Updated ViOrb to version 1 (C++ re-written)
|-Added start orb’s right click menu
|-Fixed hook recovery when explorer shell is reloaded
|-Fixed always on top visibility issues with some applications including ViStart
|-Updated start orb graphic to for all sides compatibilities
-Updated ViStart to version 2.0 build 3467
|-Added font customization feature in settings.xml
|-Added indexing file search support like Vista (you can search for extension with .ext)
|-Added “Reset Shell” in menu option to reload explorer along with ViStart
|-Added multi-DPI Support
|-Fixed Chinese characters issue with Recent Documents
|-Fixed hook recovery when explorer shell is reloaded
|-Fixed start menu’s hooking reliability with full screen and resolution changes
|-Fixed strange ActiveX errors
-Updated Visual style’s top taskbar background to have the same image as bottom’s like Vista
-Updated WinFlip to version 0.50
-Updated wording in some areas for easier understanding
-Updated x64 operating systems compatibilities.
Homepage :
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Portable Complete File Recovery

You can find and restore lost images from your digital camera or any other type of file.
Complete File Recovery is a universal file recovery software.
Restore deleted files from hard disks, USB flash drives, CD/DVD disks, CF, SD or Memory Stick cards and other storage media even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin.
You can find and restore lost images from your digital camera or music files from your iPod or other mp3 player.
All types of files are supported: photos, images, all types of document files, music, email databases.
No installation required, so you can run the program from USB flash disk and find deleted files on any PC. You have the possibility of previewing found deleted files before restoring them.
Here are some key features of "Complete File Recovery":
· Recover files even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin
· Recover photos, documents, music, video, email and other files
· Recover files from hard drives, USB disks, digital camera cards, flash cards (CF, SD, Memory Stick and other), Zip, floppy disk or other media
· Complete File Recovery does not require installation - just download and run it to find and recover your deleted files
· Drag-n-Drop support- just drag found file from the program with your mouse to recover it
· Preview found deleted files before restoring them
.Thumbnil preview mode for deleted files.You can preview your file content in using internal program viewer (for example, you can see all your deleted photos from your digital camera before you recover them) which tells you if a successful recovery is possible. You'll know in advance exactly which files can be recovered.
.The program can scan disk for deleted files with any Windows file system.
.Recover files even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin.
· Nice and simple user interface
Complete File Recovery can find and recover any type of deleted file - program, music, photo or video. However, it has a set of specially predefined file types with advanced search algorythms.
Homepage :
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The Crew (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Adrian Vitoria
Writer : Ian Brady (screenplay), Kevin Sampson (novel)
Release Date : 12 January 2009 (UK)
Genre : Crime
Plot : As a major heist approaches and with betrayal all around him, a respected crime boss has to summon all his street nous and killer instinct as he fights for survival.
Sumber :
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Movie International
Quarantine (2008) DVDRip

Directors : John Erick Dowdle
Writer (WGA) : John Erick Dowdle (screenplay) & Drew Dowdle (screenplay)
Release Date : 10 October 2008 (USA)
Genre : Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Tagline : On March 11 2008, the government sealed off an apartment complex in Los Angeles. The residents were never seen again. No details. No witnesses. No evidence. Until now.
Plot : A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC after the outbreak of a mysterious virus which turns humans into bloodthirsty killers.
Sumber :
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Movie International
Jumper (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Doug Liman
Writer (WGA) : David S. Goyer (screenplay) and Jim Uhls (screenplay)
Release Date : 14 February 2008 (Indonesia)
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tagline : anywhere is possible.
Plot : A genetic anomaly allows a young man to teleport himself anywhere. He discovers this gift has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between "Jumpers" and those who have sworn to kill them.
Sumber :
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Movie International
Sarang Kuntilanak (2008)

Jenis Film : Horror
Produser : Evry Wanda, Se
Produksi : Mitra Pictures
Durasi : 90 Min
Pemain : Zidni Adam Zawas, Ayu Andhika, Elena Lubis, Ikbal Azhari, Diah Cempaka Sari, Renni Umary
Sutradara : Ian Jacobs
Penulis : Ery Sofid
Norman, Martha, Vero dan Willy adalah sekelompok mahasiswa yang tertarik untuk membuat sebuah film dokumenter, untuk tugas kuliah mereka. Mereka mendokumentasikan sebuah dusun terasing yang misterius yaitu Dusun Kalimati. Alkisah, seluruh penduduk dusun itu ditemukan tewas secara sadis pada masa 20 tahun lalu. Penyebabnya tak pernah jelas. Namun masyarakat desa percaya Dusun Kalimati telah dilanda kutukan oleh Kanjeng Nyai Roro Kidul
Vivian, dosen yang mengajar di kampus Norman dan kawan-kawannya, melarang mereka pergi ke Dusun Kalimati karena mengkuatirkan keselamatan mereka. Tapi mereka ngotot
Banyak hal aneh terjadi disana, sampai akhirnya mereka memutuskan pulang karena hasil dokumentasi dusun tersebut sudah lebih dari cukup. Sebelum pulang, diam-diam Vero mengambil sebuah kalung yang ia temukan di tepi danau berair jernih
Setiba di kota, Norman dan lainnya satu per satu mengalami peristiwa gaib. Ketegangan datang tiap saat dari berbagai arah. Kejutan menyedihkan pun mesti ditanggung Norman karena sosok Martha sesungguhnya adalah arwahnya. Satu-satunya cara menghentikan teror gaib itu adalah mengembalikan kalung yang diambil Vero ke tempatnya semula dan yang mereka cari saat ini adalah keselamatan, atau … kematian yang mencari mereka!
Sumber :,movie,1927.htm
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Movie Indonesia
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PDF Suite 2008 v9.0.5.22 Retail

Preserving format properties of original documents (text, graphic and layout), PDF Suite is designed to efficiently exchange electronic documents in a secure format. Easily view, search, print, convert and modify Adobe Acrobat compatible PDF Documents from any PC application.
Our 9.0 version converts from 24 new file formats (e.g. Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Visio 2007); is compatible with Windows XP/Vista; has a 6 second conversion process; and is 58% faster than the previous release, emerging as market leader for its performance.
Open & view PDF files
* New feature: automated PDF opening from Windows Explorer Automated PDF opening with “one-button ease” from Windows Explorer
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Transformers (2007) DVDRip

Directors : Michael Bay
Writer (WGA) : Roberto Orci (screenplay) & Alex Kurtzman (screenplay)
Release Date : 28 June 2007 (Indonesia)
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tagline : Their war. Our world.
Plot : An ancient struggle re-erupts on Earth between two extraterrestrial clans, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a young teenager.
Sumber :
website :
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Movie International
Madagascar Escape 2 Africa (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath
Writer : Etan Cohen (written by)
Release Date : 24 December 2008 (Indonesia)
Genre : Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Tagline : Move It, Move It
Plot : The sequel to 2005's "Madagascar", in which New York Zoo animals, Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo...
Sinopsis : In the highly-anticipated sequel to 'Madagascar,' Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice and the penguins and the chimps find themselves marooned on the distant shores of Madagascar. In the face of this obstacle, the New Yorkers have hatched a plan so crazy it just might work. With military precision, the penguins have repaired an old crashed plane--sort of. Once aloft, this unlikely crew stays airborne just long enough to make it to the wildest place of all--the vast plains of Africa, where the members of our zoo-raised crew encounter species of their own kind for the very first time. Africa seems like a great place...but is it better than their Central Park home?
Sumber :
website :
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Movie International
Kawai V3.0
Screenshots :

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2012 Doomsday (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Nick Everhart
Writers : Nick Everhart (writer) and Naomi L. Selfman (story)
Release Date : 12 February 2008 (USA)
Genre : Adventure, Fantasy, Horror
Tagline : A Modern Christian Epic in the Tradition of The Omega Code and Left Behind.
Plot : On December 21, 2012 four strangers on a journey of faith are drawn to an ancient temple in the heart of Mexico...
Sumber :
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Movie International
Kerispatih Album Tak Kekang Oleh Waktu

01. Ada Aku Di Sini
02. Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu
03. Kesalahan Yang Sama
04. Maaf!!.Aku Terlalu Mencintai
05. Demi Cinta
06. Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu
07. Terima Aku Apa Adanya
08. Masih Ada
09. Kusesali Untuk Dirimu
10. Tentang Sebuah Kisah
11. Aku Pasti Memilih
12. Kawan
Download Mp3 Kerispatih Album Tak Kekang Oleh Waktu
Download - Ada Aku Disini.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Kesalahan Yang Sama.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Maaf!!Aku Terlalu Mencintai.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Demi Cinta.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Tak Kekang Oleh Waktu.mp3 - KERISPATIH
Download - Terima Aku Apa Adanya.mp3 - KERISPATIH
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Tri mas getir (2008)

Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Gope T. Samtani, Subagyo S.
Produksi : Rapi Films
Durasi : 97 Min
Pemain : Tora Sudiro, Indra Birowo, Vincent Club 80s, Titi Kamal, Robby Tumewu, Tino Saroengalo, Cut Mini, Emmy Lemu
Sutradara : Rako Prijanto
Penulis : Monty Tiwa, Rako Prijanto
Ciang Pek (Tora Sudiro) masih tinggal bersama engkongnya dan ia mewarisi perguruan kungfu/Wushu. Sugeng (Indra Birowo) mempunya istri gemuk Susi yang "bermuka setan tapi barangnya segurih ketan", Ujang (Vincent Club 80's) ayahnya pengusaha rumah makan yang sukses dan mempunyai mimpi menikah dengan Katrina Katrodipuro (Titi Kamal), bintang film terkenal dan cantik. Mereka bertiga bersahabat bekerja sebagai figuran dan sangat mengidolakan Katrina
Sugeng dan Ujang adalah murid perguruan wushu milik engkong Ciang Pek. Pada suatu hari engkong Ciang Pek meninggal dunia. Dimalam pemakamannya, datang seorang gembong mafia bernama Munar Sapawi (Tino Sarunggalo) yang ingin menagih hutang Enkong sebesar 200 juta dan mengancam akan menyita perguruan wushu apabila tidak bisa melunasi hutang tersebut
Karena putus asa, Sugeng mengusulkan sebuah solusi yang konyol dan bodoh... Menculik Katrina! Untuk menjalankan rencananya, Sugeng kembali meminjam uang kepada Munar Sapawi untuk membeli peralatan-peralatan yang dibutuhkan. Namun mereka salah culik. Yang mereka culik adalah Fatima (Cut Mini), bintang Film yang namanya sudah pudar. Nasi sudah jadi bubur Trio ini tetap meminta uang tebusan kepada Star Joni (Robby Tumewu) sang produser, untuk menebus Fatima. Dan ternyata Star Joni menolak karena Fatima sudah tidak laku...
Akankah mas-mas ini bisa menyelesaikan masalah mereka dan segala keruwetan ini?
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Movie Indonesia
Quickie Express (2007) DVDRip

Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Nia Dinata
Produksi : Kalyana Shira Films
Homepage :
Durasi : 117 Min
Pemain : Tora Sudiro, Amink, Lukman Sardi, Tino Saroengallo, Sandra Dewi, Ira Maya Sopha, Rudy Wowor, Tio Pakusadewo
Sutradara : Dimas Djayadiningrat
Penulis : Joko Anwar
Jojo (Tora Sudiro), seorang anak muda yang selalu bergonta-ganti pekerjaan di Jakarta. Ia sadar bahwa dirinya bodoh dan tak berarti. Namun Jojo tidak pernah lelah berusaha untuk memulai dari nol, sampai akhirnya ia terpuruk menajdi pegawai di tempat tambal ban. Disinilah Jojo bertemu dengan seorang lelaki tua kaya raya yang menawarkan pekerjaan di perusahaan “layanan escort” miliknya
Untuk menghindari serangan protes dari kelompok religius di Jakarta, lelaki ini menjalankan bisnisnya dengan kedok pizza delivery service bernama Quickei Express
Jojo bergabung bersama dua orang teman yang juga “anak baru” di Quickie Express, yaitu Marley (Amink) dan Piktor (Lukman Sardi). Dengan tampang dan keunikan mereka, tak lama kemudian mereka langsung menduduki posisi tinggi di perusahaan “escort” ini. Hidup mereka jauh lebih baik dan ternyata mereka menikmati pekerjaan mudah dan berkelas ini yang juga menghasilkan cukup banyak uang
Namun, kebehagiaan mereka justru terusik saat Jojo bertemu dengan seorang gadis mahasiswi kedokteran dan jatuh cinta padanya, dan menemukan hubungan antara sang gadis dengan salah satu tante pelanggan dan mafia Jan Pieter Gunarto
Quickie Express adalah sebuah film dark comedy yang penuh sindiran, bagaikan menggigit sepotong pizza yang terlihat lezat, tetapi ternyata alot bagaikan ban karet
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Movie Indonesia
Pulau Hantu 2

Jenis Film : Horror
Produser : Raam Punjabi
Produksi : Mvp
Homepage :
Pemain : Ricky Harun, Wiwid Ginawan, Nicky Tirta, Abdurrahman Arif, Reza Rahadian, Uli Auliani
Sutradara : Jose Purnomo
Ratusan anak dugem terjebak di Pulau Hantu!
Ricky Harun, alias Dante, kembali terperangkap di Pulau Hantu. Bersama Nero (Abdurrahman Arif), ia mati-matian berusaha menyelamatkan diri dari ancaman arwah penasaran. Belum berhasil kabur, tiba-tiba malah ada sembilan anak muda yang maunya bikin rave party di pulau itu. Omongan soal penunggu pulau tentu tidak digubris oleh mereka. Dante dan Nero tambah pusing ketika ratusan anak-anak dugem mulai berdatangan ke pulau itu. Apalagi waktu dukun yang disewa untuk mengamankan suasana malah tewas
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Movie Indonesia

Jenis Film : Comedy/romance
Produser : Raam Punjabi
Produksi : Mvp
Homepage :
Pemain : Titi Kamal, Ben Joshua, Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sarah Sechan, Dona Harun, Dwi Sasono, Dimas Aditya, Shareefa Daanish
Sutradara : Winaldha W. Malalatoa
Penulis : Ve Handojo, Arry Risaf Risandi (novel)
Jemi (Ben Joshua, Cinta Pertama) adalah seorang “mahasiswa abadi” yang sudah berada di posisi genting: kalau semester ini ia tidak berhasil lulus, ia akan didepak dari kampusnya, alias di-drop out. Teman-teman gaulnya juga nggak banyak menolong – Si Germo (Dwi Sasono, Otomatis Romantis) yang hobinya mencuri apa aja (mulai dari celana dalam sampai mobil), Si Ketek (Ferry Gustian) yang nafsunya segede dosa, dan Si Banci (Dimas Aditya, Kawin Kontrak) yang nggak pernah jelas sukanya sama apaan
Muncul Lea (Titi Kamal, Mendadak Dangdut), dosen muda yang pintar tapi kolotnya minta ampun. Simbiosis mutualisme pun terjadi antara Lea dan Jemi. Lea memberikan pelajaran intensif supaya Jemi bisa lulus, Jemi pun memberi “mata kuliah ekstra” pada Lea agar Lea lebih mengerti kenapa lelaki dan perempuan diciptakan berpasang-pasangan
“Kerja sama” ini berbuntut ke cinta serius yang tumbuh di antara mereka. Sayangnya, dosen senior bernama Doktor M. (Dr. Boyke) yang tengah mengalami krisis paruh baya ternyata jatuh cinta juga pada Lea. Jemi pun ditawari “kerja sama” yang lain, Doktor M menjamin kelulusan Jemi, asal Jemi menjamin Lea bisa menjadi istri muda Doktor M
Tibalah Jemi pada dilema paling penting dalam hidup seorang cowok: cinta atau lulus?
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Movie Indonesia
Coklat Stroberi (2007)

Jenis Film : Drama Comedy – Remaja (teenage)
Produser : Adiyanto Sumardjono, Upi, Krishto Damar Alam
Produksi : Investasi Film Indonesia
Homepage :
Durasi : 100 Min
Pemain : Marrio Merdhithia, Nino Fernandez, Nadia Saphira, Marsha Timothy, Tieke Priatnakusuma
Sutradara : Ardy Octaviand
Penulis : Upi
Key (Nadia Saphira) dan Citra (Marsha Timothy), dua sahabat yang mengontrak di Jakarta. Keseharian mereka adalah kuliah sambil bekerja. Citra bekerja di sebuah distro dan Key sedang berjuang untuk menjadi pemain sinetron. Karena masalah keuangan, Key tidak bisa membayar kontrakan tahun ini. Apalagi kontrak sinetron yang menjadi harapan terakhirnya untuk mendapatkan uang, gagal karena produsernya punya maksud terselubung sehingga membuat Key kabur
Ibu Ratna (Tieke Priatnakusuma) sang pemilik kontrakan yang sudah bosan dengan seribu satu alasan Key, akhirnya memutuskan memasukkan 2 orang cowok sepantaran mereka untuk meringankan biaya hidup Key dan Citra, yaitu Nesta (Nino Fernandez) dan Aldi (Marrio Merdhithia). Kehadiran 2 cowok keren itu membawa warna baru di kehidupan Key dan Citra. Tapi dibalik itu semua ada sesuatu yang dirahasiakan oleh Nesta dan Aldi. Rahasia apa yang mereka sembunyikan?
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Movie Indonesia
Medley (2007) DVDRip

Jenis Film : Drama/fantasy
Produser : Gege Mboi, Genesis Timotius, Oswin B. Soegandah
Produksi : Shambala Production
Durasi : 95 Min
Pemain : Yossi Mokalu, Rachel Maryam, Alex Komang, Imelda Therinne, Alexandra Gottardo, Magda Lena, Ferry Adriansyah
Sutradara : Franklin Darmadi
Penulis : Nicko Wijaya
Medley bercerita tentang seseorang bernama Aditya (Yosi ‘Project Pop’) yang tidak pernah puas akan hidup yang dijalaninya.. Dimana kehidupan yang sekarang tidaklah sesuai dengan apa yang dicita-citakannya sewaktu dulu. Penyesalan demi penyesalan, setiap keputusan yang dibuatnya di masa lalu berakibat kepada ketidak puasannya di saat sekarang ini.
Kehidupannya dengan sang istri, Maya (Rachel Maryam) diisi dengan pertikaian dimulai dari hal-hal yang kecil hingga menjadi besar. Ia pun selalu melamun memikirkan jika ia tidak menikahi Maya, mungkin hidupnya menjadi lebih baik.
Keinginannya terkabul. Ia diberi kesempatan untuk mengubah satu masa lalunya untuk masa sekarang yang lebih baik. Ia mengubah satu kejadian di waktu mudanya sehingga segalanya menjadi berbeda. Apa yang diubahnya sehingga menjadi lebih baik? Apa dibalik kemampuannya mengubah segalanya itu?
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Movie Indonesia
Terowongan Casablanca (2007)

Jenis Film : Horror – Remaja (teenage)
Produksi : Indika Entertainment
Durasi : 90 Min
Pemain : Asha Syara, Ardina Rasti, Nino Fernandez Aldiansyah, Ray Sahetapi, Ki Joko Bodo, Titi Qadarsih
Sutradara : Nanang Istiabudi
Penulis : Faldhin Martha
Astari, gadis cantik anak SMA yang manis dan santun. Ia larut dalam pesta kelulusan sekolah dan tak mampu menolak rayuan sang kekasih, Refa. Terenggut sudah kesucian cinta Astari. Namun Refa meninggalkannya dan harus meneruskan pendidikan ke luar negeri. Astari terus menagih tanggung jawab Refa.
Dengan kelicikannya, Refa membawa Astari ke seorang dukun beranak untuk menggugurkan kandungannya. Naas nasib Astari, aborsi itu gagal. Astari tersadar & memberontak. Dengan gelap mata Refa langsung mengubur jasad Astari yang belum mati bersama janinnya di pemakaman Casablanca yang kini dibangun terowongan underpass Kuningan-Casablanca
Sejak kematian Astari, hidup Refa tak tenang. Refa dan kerabat dekatnya selalu mendapat teror mengerikan dari Kuntilanak merah penjelmaan arwah Astari yang dendam. Sosok Kuntilanak Merah juga kerap menampakkan diri dengan wujudnya kepada para pengendara yang melintasi Terowongan Casablanca. Seorang paranormal pun diutus oleh Ayah Refa untuk menaklukan si Kuntilanak Merah. Mampukah sang paranormal menghentikan teror Kuntilanak Merah sekaligus mengusirnya dari kawasan Terowongan Casablanca? Atau berhasilkah si Kuntilanak Merah membalaskan dendamnya pada orang-orang yang telah menyakiti dirinya dan tetap bergentayangan di Terowongan Casablanca?
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Movie Indonesia
The Red Baron a.k.a. Der Rote Baron (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Nikolai Müllerschön
Writers (WGA) : Nikolai Müllerschön (written by)
Release Date : 10 April 2008 (Germany)
Genre : Action, Adventure, Biography, Drama, Romance, War
Tagline : Heroes Rise. Empires Fall. Legends Endure.
Plot : Baron Manfred von Richthofen (Schweighöfer) is the most feared and celebrated pilot of the German air force in World War I... more>
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Movie International
Cinlok (2008)

Stasiun tua yang unik dengan deretan kedai-kedai buat para pengunjungnya. Cundra (Tora Sudiro) seorang eksekutif muda dan Nayla (Luna Maya), manajer hotel, bertemu di salah satu kedai. Cundra duluan yang membuka percakapan. Terungkap bahwa Nay sudah punya tunangan bernama Tyo (Tukul Arwana), seorang pengusaha. Begitu pula dengan Cundra. Nama tunangannya Tika (Ria Irawan), seorang disainer yang sedang naik daun. Kenyataannya adalah: mereka berdua berbohong tentang hidup mereka.
Setelah pertemuan itu, mereka berjanji untuk bertemu kembali dan kali ini mereka berdua harus memutar otak agar kebohongan mereka tidak terbongkar. Apakah mereka berhasil menutupi kebohongan mereka? Apakah Nayla dan Chundra akhirnya saling mencintai?
Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Produksi : Md Pictures
Homepage :
Durasi : 90 Min
Pemain : Tora Sudiro, Luna Maya, Tukul Arwana, Ria Irawan, Yeyen Lidya, Jurike Prastika, Hj Leila Sari
Sutradara : Guntur Soeharjanto
Penulis : Titien Wattimena
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Movie Indonesia
Suami Suami Takut Istri (2008)

Istri-istri di Griya Mintari ramai-ramai minta bulan madu ke Bali! Para suami oke-oke saja karena ternyata mereka punya rencana nakal untuk menghadiri undangan pertunjukkan super seksi dari penyanyi Trio Ganas yang beranggotakan Sarah Azhari, Rahma Azhari, dan Pretty. Tiket disiapkan, rombongan Suami-Suami Takut Istri berangkat ke Bali
Wisata honeymoon di Bali menjadi petualangan yang penuh kelucuan yang seru dan mendebarkan. Walaupun takut sama istri, para suami terus memutar akal untuk bisa berkencan dengan tiga penyanyi seksi yang sedang jadi pujaan. Sementara para istri jadi makin cinta pada suami-suaminya yang membawa mereka berbulan madu kedua yang romantis
Sampai akhirnya Ibu-Ibu galak ini melihat udang di balik batu. Para suami panik, Trio Ganas heboh, istri-istri ngamuk berat menggemparkan Pulau Dewata!
Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Ram Punjabi
Produksi : Mvp Pictures
Homepage :
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Deathstars - Night Electric Night (2009)

Night Electric Night
“When the night just strikes through you - And the night just spread its legs and open up for you”
After three years it's finally here, the long awaited follow-up album to the massively successful “Termination Bliss”, and it's a bombraid of depression, death, sex and rock. ”Night Electric Night” is tough and black, yet seductive and passionated in its expression of the city’s destructive nightside. By expanding structures and using even more varied elements the deathglammers have strengthened and deepened the richness in their trademark of superdark rock.
Guitarist, songwriter and producer Nightmare Industries takes a drag on his cigarette and leans forward.
“This album is the very mirror of our last years and our struggle through this time up until now. It deals with a whole spectrum of emotions, but without loosing that straight forward nerve of raw dark feverish rock music a la Deathstars. Even though the songs vary more now, from the ripping ”Night Electric Night” to the seriousness in ”Via the End”, which I wrote the very night I found out about my brothers suicide, it holds an honest consequence right through the album.
"Night Electric Night” is about their lives and their experiences, their personal issues and the action-/horrordrama which represents the manic environment that the band exists within. It deals a lot with reflections of situations right then and there, and this time the Swedes have really put it all together in an exquisite way. The Deathglam-style they originated with their first two albums "Synthetic Generation" and "Termination Bliss" sounds more huge and alive than ever; it’s dark and cold, yet massively heavy and warm - a paradox that defines the very essence of Deathstars.
With the combination of their cynical irony - a constant black humour that so well defines the band - and the hard seriousness that are the fundaments of every song, Deathstars walk the fine line of sophisticated darkness with the always clear and present vibe of sex, guts and horrorish vogue. It is hellish hot stuff, but also entertaining, and somewhat frightening.
"I am very pleased with how the songs illustrates our lives, because that’s what it’s all about - our every night situations and the timeless sounds of the depraved city. I just wanted to combine serious personal issues, destructive city nighttime, naked bodies and the dark presence of Russia. It is the absolute Fort Knox of modern dark rock”, says vocalist Whiplasher. Rich, golden, and heavily guarded.
It is a ravishing rock group of many faces, with members who are as weird as they are charismatic and their unconventional shows never goes unnoticed.
Following the success of their previous album "Termination Bliss", Deathstars won the award for Best Newcomers at the Golden Gods Awards in 2007 as presented by the UK Metal Hammer Magazine. They also won the goldtitle, the "Champions Belt" at the TV- and radio music-contest Get In The Ring, after swiping the floor with all the other contenders at the Hammersmith Apollo, London in 2007. During the time span of a year Deathstars played nearly 200 shows in Europe and apart from their headlining tours they also toured Europe together with bands like Cradle of Filth and KORN. After Radio-/TV- and sales chart entries, occasionally topping them, nobody who is anybody has missed Deathstars. Now they are back to bring you the most striking album so far. "Night Electric Night"
"Night Electric Night” was recorded in Metrosonic Studios, New York City, USA and in Future Legends Studios, Stockholm, Sweden.
Produced by Nightmare Industries and mixed by Stefan Glaumann at Toytown Studios, Stockholm, Sweden.
Deathstars will tour the world with “Night Electric Night” in 2009.
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|ziddu| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|4shared| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|upshare| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|ezuploads| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|megaupload| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
|indowebster| :
01. Chertograd
02. Night Electric Night
03. Death Dies Hard
04. Mark Of The Gun
05. Via The End
06. Blood Stains Blondes
07. Babylon
08. The Fuel Ignites
09. Arclight
10. Venus In Arms
11. Opium
Music International
Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody (Video Clip)
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Michael Heart - We Will Not Go Down (Song For Gaza)

Dear friends,
I have been overwhelmed by the warmth and the friendship you have all given me in response to my song for Gaza, "We Will Not Go Down". I am doing my best to go through your numerous messages, emails and comments, and ask you to kindly bear with me until I am able to do so. Please forgive me if I am not able to respond to each and everyone of you; but please also know that I really appreciate your messages.
My original intention to donate proceeds from the sale of the MP3 to charity has been complicated by technical matters; therefore, I have decided to make the song available free of charge. I would like to request that after downloading the song from this page, you kindly donate directly to a charity or an organization dedicated to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. Worthy of note is UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which has been helping Palestinian refugees since their dispossession in 1949. Please click here to donate through them:
Thank you for your continued encouragement of my work as a musician, for your purchases of my CD, and for spreading the song, the video and the message as you have been doing. I am grateful for every demonstration of support I have received from you, and for every thought and prayer that has gone to the people of Gaza.
Michael Heart
Lyric :
WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)
(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
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