Ong bak 2 (2008) DVDRip

Ong bak 2 (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Tony Jaa

Writer : Panna Rittikrai (writer)

Release Date : 4 December 2008 (Thailand)

Genre : Action

Plot : A young Thai boxer learns the skills and inner meaning of martial arts.

Sumber :

Download Ong bak 2 (2008) DVDRip via indowebster :

Movie : | CD01 | CD02 |
Subtitle english : | CD01 | CD02|
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Biodata | Aura Kasih Malaikat Penggoda

Aura Kasih dilahirkan di Bandung Jawa Barat pada 23 February 1988, dengan nama lengkap Sanny Aura Syahrani. Wanita sexy dan cantik ini yang bikin kaum adam terpesona adalah seorang artis penyanyi / bintang film. Aura Kasih mengawali karirnya sebagai finalis Miss Indonesia 2007 mewakili Provinsi Lampung. Pada tanhun 2008 ia meluncurkan album perdananya dengan judul “Malaikat Penggoda”. Dengan dianugrahi bentuk tubuh yang molek aduhai ia bisa menghipnotis beberapa selebriti pria, lajang ataupun duda tertarik kepadanya.

Dengan album malaikat penggoda ia pernah dinobatkan sebagai MTV Hot Seat Artist untuk periode bulan Maret dan April 2008, lain lagi dengan Universal Music yang memberikan penilaian Beautiful, Flirty dan So Sexy terhadap Aura kasih. Anak ketiga dari empat bersaudara ini mempunyai obsesi ingin main bareng sama Duran-Duran dan berkolaborasi dgn Ring Of Fire (Johnny Cash).

Biodata :
Nama Lengkap : Sanny Aura Syahrani
Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Bandung, 23 Februari 1988
Nama Ayah : Jajad Sugiyatna
Nama Ibu : Laela
Pendidikan Terakhir : SMA Angkasa Tasikmalaya angkatan 2004.
Tinggi Badan : 171 cm
Berat Badan : 50 Kg

Diskografi :
• Malaikat Penggoda (2008)
• Puncak Asmara (2009)

• Asmara Dua Diana (2009)

Hantu Aborsi (2008)

Hantu Aborsi (2008)

Jenis Film : Horror
Produser : Shankar Rs.
Produksi : Indika Entertainment
Homepage :

Pemain : Happy Salma, Okan Kornelius, Bulan Ayu, Andi Soraya, Sujiwo Tedjo
Sutradara : Toto Hoedi
Penulis : Toto Hoedi

Caca (Bulan Ayu), gadis cilik berusia 7 tahun menghilang dari rumah. Caca sering terdengar tertawa dan bercanda di dalam kamarnya yang dia huni seorang diri. Semenjak pindah ke rumah baru, Caca sering menunjukan perilaku aneh. Orang tua Caca, Devi (Happy Salma) & Handy (Okan Cornelius), kerap mendapati Caca berbincang dan bercanda seorang diri di kamar. Namun Caca bersikeras bahwa ada anak perempuan lain yang setia menemani dia bermain di kamar setiap sore hari menjelang maghrib. Caca selalu meminta agar Cinta, teman perempuannya itu dibolehkan tinggal di rumah bersamanya

Orang tua Caca menganggap itu hanya teman khayalan Caca. Tapi, lambat laun Mama Devi merasa ucapan Caca bukan isapan jempol belaka. Dia mulai mengalami kejadian-kejadian yang kerap membuat bulu kuduk bergidik tatkala sandikala menelan senja.

Kini tiba giliran Mama Devi mencoba meyakinkan Papa Handy perihal kebenaran perkataan Caca. Tapi, Papa Handy bersikukuh itu hanya perasaan Mama Devi yang tersugesti oleh cerita Caca.

Siapa gerangan roh halus itu? Kenapa hantu itu hanya memburu dan mengganggu Caca? Lalu dimanakah keberadaan Caca? Apakah roh halus itu membawa serta Caca bermain kedunianya? Berhasilkah Mama Devi & Papa Handy menemukan Caca sekaligus memecahkan misteri hantu gentayangan itu?

Sumber :,movie,1919.htm

Download Hantu Aborsi (2008) via :

|indowebster| : MKV

Laskar Pelangi (2008) DVDRip

Laskar Pelangi (2008)

Jenis Film : Drama
Produser : Mira Lesmana
Produksi : Miles Films & Mizan Production
Homepage :

Pemain : Cut Mini, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro, Slamet Rahardjo, Mathias Muchus, Rieke Diah Pitaloka
Sutradara : Riri Riza
Penulis : Salman Aristo, Riri Riza, Mira Lesmana

Sebuah adaptasi sinema dari novel fenomenal LASKAR PELANGI karya Andrea Hirata, yang mengambil setting di akhir tahun 70-an

Hari pertama pembukaan kelas baru di sekolah SD Muhammadyah menjadi sangat menegangkan bagi dua guru luar biasa, Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), serta 9 orang murid yang menunggu di sekolah yang terletak di desa Gantong, Belitong. Sebab kalau tidak mencapai 10 murid yang mendaftar, sekolah akan ditutup.

Hari itu, Harun, seorang murid istimewa menyelamatkan mereka. Ke 10 murid yang kemudian diberi nama Laskar Pelangi oleh Bu Muslimah, menjalin kisah yang tak terlupakan.

5 tahun bersama, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan dan ke 10 murid dengan keunikan dan keistimewaannya masing masing, berjuang untuk terus bisa sekolah. Di antara berbagai tantangan berat dan tekanan untuk menyerah, Ikal (Zulfani), Lintang (Ferdian) dan Mahar (Veris Yamarno) dengan bakat dan kecerdasannya muncul sebagai pendorong semangat sekolah mereka.

Di tengah upaya untuk tetap mempertahankan sekolah, mereka kembali harus menghadapi tantangan yang besar. Sanggupkah mereka bertahan menghadapi cobaan demi cobaan?

Film ini dipenuhi kisah tentang kalangan pinggiran, dan kisah perjuangan hidup menggapai mimpi yang mengharukan, serta keindahan persahabatan yang menyelamatkan hidup manusia, dengan latar belakang sebuah pulau indah yang pernah menjadi salah satu pulau terkaya di Indonesia

Sumber :,movie,1941.htm

Download Laskar Pelangi (2008) via :

|indowebster| : DVDRip 001 | DVDRip 002

|indowebster| : MKV

Download Mp3 | The Rain Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan

Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan adalah judul album yang terbaru dari The Rain. Dalam album ini musik yang ditawarkan The Rain sangat berbeda dengan album-album sebelumnya, yang biasanya menyukai nuansa mendayu-dayu dengan lirik sedih, kini tampil dengan aransemen yang variatif. Disini The rain ingin membuktikan bahwa mereka bukanlah spesialis lagu-lagu mellow. adalah lagu-lagu yang dijagokan disamping Boleh Saja Benci, Warna Hidup, Untuk Sahabatmu, Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan.

Track List :
01. Warna Hidup
02. Boleh Saja Benci
03. Meninggalkan Cerita Ini
04. Apakah Kau Merasa
05. Dengan Sederhana
06. Percaya
07. Psychedelic Rain
08. Untuk Sahabatmu
09. Tak Sempurna
10. Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan

Download Mp3 The Rain Album Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan
Free mp3, Download gratis, musik indonesia terbaru

Download - Warna Hidup.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Boleh Saja Benci.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Meninggalkan Cerita Ini.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Apakah Kau Merasa.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Dengan Sederhana.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Percaya.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Psychedelic Rain.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Untuk Sahabatmu.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Tak Sempurna.mp3 - The Rain
Download - Perjalanan Tak Tergantikan.mp3 - The Rain

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Biodata Julia Perez | Juve Wanita Sexy

Julia Perez atau Juve nama yang tidak asing buat telinga kita, kalau kita mendengar nama tersebut yang pertama terbayang dipikiran kita adalah wanita sexy, pakaian sexy,pose berani, photo syur, kontroversial. Julia Perez terlahir dengan nama Yuli Rachmawati di Jakarta, 15 Juli 1980. ia mengawali karirnya lewat training kerja sebagai sekretaris di sebuah perusahaan swasta dan berkesempatan melanjutkan pendidikan di Belanda.

Juve yang pernah mendapat nominasi 100 wanita terseksi versi majalah FHM dan Maxim adalah artis yang dicekal MUI Sumatra Selatan karena seringnya mengenakan pakaian sexy, bareng penyanyi lainnya seperti : Dewi Persik, Annisa Bahar, Inul daratista Uut Permatasari, Trio Macan, Ira Swara dan Nita Thalia. Kontroversi lainnya adalah promosi album Kamasutra mendapat bonus kondom atau photo-photo syurnya yang beredar di internet dan banyak kontroversi lainnya.

Nama Lengkap : Yuli Rachmawati
Nama Panggilan : Julia Perez
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Jakarta, 15 Juni 1980
Nama Suami: Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez)
Agama : Islam
Zodiak : Gemini
Hobi : Fotografi
Film Favorit : Scarface
Musik Favorit : Bevonce, J-lo
TV Show Favorit : Friends, Sex in the City

* Cinta Lokasi
* Rahasia Ilahi
* Komedi Nakal
* Iman
* Mimpi Manis
* Hidayah
* Doa

* Beranak Dalam Kubur (2007)
* Susahnya Jadi Perawan (2008)
* The Shaman (2008)
* Hantu Jamu Gendong (2009)
* Sumpah, (Ini) Pocong! (2009)
* Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat (2009)

* Kamasutra (2008)

About Superman Is Dead

SID, punk rock pioneers of Bali, were born and bred in Kuta Rock City. The band is three chord attitude-heavy young men, by name : Bobby Kool (lead vocal, guitar, a dog lover and a graphic designer) , Eka Rock (low ridin' family man, beer drinker, laid back bass and backing vocal and a warm smilin' Rock 'N Roll bandman, IT warior) , Jrx (low ridin' beer drinking Rock 'N Roll prince charming, drummer and a hairwax junkie, Bar owner)

The name 'Superman is Dead' started its' evolution from Stone Temple Pilot's "Superman Silvergun". The name moved on to "Superman is Dead" cause they like the idea that there's no such thing as a perfect person out there.
SID actually stumbled together in '95, drawn by their common love of Green Day and NOFX. Their influences soon extended to the punk 'n roll genre a la Supersuckers, Living End and Social Distortion, and here they stay. They say what they wanna say, how they wanna say it. In your face, to say it precisely.

SID public image, self described, is "Punk Rock a Bali" (think raw energy of NOFX vs Social Distortion supersonically fueled with beer-soaked Balinese Rockabilly attitude).
History ? SID produced their first three albums independently (the boys worked years of crappy night jobs), with fabulous, small scale indie labels 1997 "Case 15", 1999 "Superman is Dead", 2002 "Bad Bad Bad"(mini album, 6 tracks).

In March 2003, SID finally signed with Sony-BMG Indonesia after extended negotiations regarding their right to sing the majority of their tracks in English and have full artistic rights over their 'image'!! With that decision they single handedly became the first band from Bali to be invited to sign with a major recording label in Indonesia, the first band in their nation (to my knowledge) to be recording majority of songs in English and the first punk band in Indonesia to get the national exposure and promotion that working with a major label in a third world country provides. And so the history of Indonesian Punk Rock begins!

And as for the question that everyone wants to know, the infamous bomb in Bali happened about 75 M from their home, hangout center, punk rock boutique, bar and rehearsal studio that is also Jrx' house, in the heart of Kuta.
After panel beating back the rolling doors of the studio and shifting a little debris, rehearsals continued as usual. Yeah, they saw a lot, it sucked big time, but its' not gonna stop 'em!

And where are they now? At the end of 2002, one of the more respectable music mags here cited SID as "The Next Big Thing" for 2003. With the release of their fourth album "Kuta Rock City" followed by major air play nationally and in some countries overseas, coupled with the instant popularity of their newest film clip.

SID suddenly find themselves touring continuously throughout Indonesia. Last week they were in four major Indonesian cities, on three islands, in 7 days! Sometimes playing for free at underground scene clubs, sometimes at street skate parties or alternative band festivals, at lots of universities and even occasionally at "classy" venues who would have probably denied them entrance years ago!
Which means more beers for all.

In 2003 SID even got a mention in Time Asia.
They also won a few music awards “MTV Awards for The Best New Artist 2003”, “AMI Awards for The Best New Artist 2003” and nominated again in “AMI Awards 2006 for The Best Rock Album”.

October 2007, they did an amazing Australian tour, 8 cities, 16 gigs, 33 days with their strong D.I.Y work ethic.
SID had share stages with international bands such as International Noise Conspiracy, NOFX, MXPX and Hoobastank.
They remain proud, boys from the streets of Kuta with a love of punk rock, beers and a good time. Ready for whatever comes next, excited about the next gig.

Download Mp3 | Full Album Mahkota Jangan Ganggu Dulu

Mahkota band, group baru asal Cianjur Jawa Barat yang terdiri Imeng (Vocal),Rangga (Bass),Ega (Gitar),Dino (Drum) mencoba peruntungan di blantika musik indonesia dengan mengeluarkan album pertama mereka dengan judul "Jangan Ganggu Dulu".
Mereka hanya berharap semoga album mereka bisa bersaing ditengah hirup-pikuknya dunia musik Indonesia saat ini.

Track List :
01. Jangan Ganggu Dulu
02. Cinta Terlarang
03. Cinta Di Sekolah
04. Dikhianati
05. Dinda
06. Manusia Terburuk
07. Mati Berdiri (Nur)
08. Susah Cari Pacar
09. Tak Memaksa
10. Terakhir X

Donwload Mp3 Full Album Mahkota - Jangan Ganggu Dulu.
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Download - Jangan Ganggu Dulu.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Cinta Terlarang.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Cinta Di Sekolah.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Dikhianati.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Dinda.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Manusia Terburuk.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Mati Berdiri (Nur).mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Susah Cari Pacar.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Tak Memaksa.mp3 - Mahkota
Download - Terakhir X.mp3 - Mahkota

Metallica History

It's the sort of story that scriptwriters would get laughed out of conference rooms for entering. The sort of story that illustrates perfect synchronicity between hunger, passion and time. The sort of story that only happens every 30-odd years. And the sort of story that would approximately 500 pages to do it true justice.

Metallica. A household name. The 7th biggest selling act in American history.

Who'd have thought it when, on October 28th, 1981, drummer Lars Ulrich made guitar player/singer James Hetfield an offer he couldn't refuse: "I’ve got a track saved for my band on Brian Slagel's new Metal Blade label."

The truth is, Lars didn't have a band at that time, but he did that day when James joined him. The two recorded their first track on a cheap recorder with James performing singing duties, rhythm guitar duties and bass guitar duties. Lars dutifully pounded the drums, helped with musical arrangements and acted as manager. Hetfield's friend and housemate Ron McGovney was eventually talked into taking up bass and Dave Mustaine took lead guitar duties.

The band adopted the moniker Metallica after a suggestion from Bay Area friend Ron Quintana, and they quickly began gigging in the Los Angeles area opening for bands like Saxon. Eventually recording a fully-fledged demo called No Life Til Leather, Metallica quickly saw the tape whistle around the metal tape-trading underground and become a hot commodity, with San Francisco and New York particularly receptive.

Metallica performed 2 shows in San Francisco and found the crowds friendlier and more honest than LA's "there to be seen" mob. They also caught up-and-coming band Trauma, and most importantly their bass player, Cliff Burton. Cliff refused to move to Southern California: it was enough to convince Metallica to relocate to the Bay Area, and Cliff subsequently joined Metallica.

In New York, a copy of No Life Til Leather made its way to Jon Zazula's record shop, the aptly named Metal Heaven. Zazula quickly recruited Metallica to come out east to play some shows and record an album. The band made it to New York in a stolen U-Haul. Dave Mustaine, at that point the band's guitarist, was proving to be more problematic than even these loose young chaps could handle. Thus a few weeks after arrival, Mustaine was sent packing, roadie Mark Whitakker suggesting Kirk Hammett from Bay Area thrashers Exodus. Two phone calls and one flight later, on April 1, 1983 Kirk Hammett joined Metallica.

Metallica's first album, Kill 'Em All, was released in late 1983 and some ferocious touring which saw the band's reputation soar both in the US and Europe. In 1984 they went to work with producer Flemming Rassmussen in Copenhagen at Sweet Silence Studios on their second album. 'Ride The Lightning' proved that Metallica were not some thrash-in-the-pan one trick pony, the writing and sound illustrating a growth, maturity and intensity which saw them immediately targeted by major management in QPrime, and a major label in Elektra. Both deals were done by the fall of '84 and their reputation continued to grow worldwide.

Returning to the same studios in 1985, the group recorded 'Master Of Puppets', mixing in LA with Michael Wagner and releasing in early 1986. They quickly secured a tour with Ozzy Osbourne, and that stint (plus a top 30 album chart position) saw their fan base and name take a quantum leap. What had seemed so unlikely was nearer than ever to coming true; world domination.

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Biografi | Mulan Jameela Mahluk Tuhan Paling Sexy

Terry Tantri Wulandari atau Mulan Jameela atau Mulan Kwok dilahirkan di kota Garut – jawa Barat 23 Agustus 1982. Pada umur 17 tahun ia sudah menikah dengan Harry Nugraha dan dikarunia 2 anak Tyarani Savitri dan Muhammad Rafly Aziz. Perkawinan mereka hanya bertahan 6 tahun dan mereka berpisah pada tahun 2005. Penyanyi yang dalam penampilannya selalu tampil sexy ini sampai sekarang masih menjanda.

Awal karir Mulan dimulai dari penyanyi café. Ia mulai popular setelah bergabung bersama Maia Ahmad dalam Ratu mengantikan posisi Pinkan Mambo yang cabut dari ratu pada tahun 2005. Album pertamanya bersama Ratu adalah “Ratu & Friends” dibawah Sony BMG pada Agustus 2005 dengan menelorkan hits “Teman Tapi Mesra”. Album ini mendapat Double Platinum karena penjualan diatas 400.000 copy dan menjadikan Ratu sebagai group band wanita paling sukses.
Di tahun berikutnya Ratu melanjutkan kesuksesan mereka dengan mengeluarkan album “No.Satu” sungguh fantastic hanya dalam satu minggu dengan setelah dirilis album telah terjual 500.000 copy. Lelaki Buaya Darat dan Dear Diary adalah lagu yang menjadikan kesuksesan. Album ini memberikan beberapa penghargaan termasuk Anugerah Musik Indonesia. Pada tahun 2007 Mulan mengundurkan diri dari Ratu setelah dia menganggap ketidak transparanan keuangan dalam tubuh managemen.

Pada bulan Januari 2008 Mulan mengeluarkan album solo dengan titel album “Mulan Jameela” dengan lagu hits Makhluk Tuhan paling Sexy dan Wonder Woman, album ini sangat sukses dipasaran.

Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008)

Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008)

Jenis Film : Drama/comedy
Produser : Raam Punjabi
Produksi : Mvp Pictures

Pemain : Ricky Harun, Lukman Sardi, Wiwid Gunawan, Cut Mini, Thalita Latief, Deby Ayu, Adellia Rasya
Sutradara : Oddy C. Harahap

Jody yang doyan tante bergabung dengan Kang Sono sang makelar. Hasilnya adalah kehebohan ala Kawin Kontrak Lagi: lebih lucu, lebih seru, lebih... gila! Desa Pakelonan siap menampung para pejuang cinta dari kota, cewek-ceweknya lebih cantik, lebih ahli, dan lebih... matre. Plus satu bonus panas dari Teh Euis! Nah!

Tapi nggak asik kalau cinta tidak terhalang. Ada Bos Maung yang sangat ditakuti semua orang karena menerapkan sistem militer untuk menjalankan bisnisnya, membuat satu orang calon istri kontrakan yang paling cantik dan mahal tidak tahan dan kabur minta perlindungan pada Teh Euis

Bos Maung terlalu cerdik, kecurigaan mengarah pada Jody dan Kang Sono yang jungkir balik, tunggang-langgang, dan akhirnya nggak berdaya menghadapi prajurit-prajurit cantik tapi ganas. Lalu Teh Euis muncul dengan sebuah keajaiban...

Sumber :,movie,1975.htm

Download Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008) via :

|indowebster| : Part01 | Part02 | Part03 | Part04

The Brøken (2008) DVDRip

The Brøken (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Sean Ellis

Writer : Sean Ellis (writer)

Release Date : 9 January 2009 (USA)

Genre : Horror, Thriller

Plot : On a busy street in London, Gina thinks she sees herself drive past in her own car. Stunned by this strange event.

Sumber :

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Musik Indonesia | T2 Album Malu Malu Dong

T2 (Tika dan Tiwi) tahun 2009 ini ikut meramaikan blantika musik indonesia dengan meluncurkan album baru dengan title “Malu Malu Dong”. Di album ini mereka menjagokan lagu Jangan Lebai, Malu-Malu Dong dan Ceraikan Saja. Oke jika anda penasaran dibawah musik mp3-nya tinggal di-download.

Track List :
01 - Jangan Lebai
02 - Malu Malu Dong
03 - Ceraikanlah Saja
04 - Tau Sama Tau
05 - Indah
06 - Pujangga Berpuisi Dusta
07 - Cukup 3 Kali
08 - Semuanya Dusta
09 - Tak Sanggup
10 - Terpesona

Download mp3 T2 Album Malu Malu Dong
Download - Jangan Lebay.mp3
Download - Malu Malu Dong.mp3
Download - Ceraikan Saja.mp3
Download - Tau Sama Tau.mp3
Download - Indah.mp3
Download - Pujangga Berpuisi Dusta.mp3
Download - Cukup 3 kali.mp3
Download - Semuanya Dusta.mp3
Download - Tak Sanggup.mp3
Download - Terpesona.mp3

Dragon Hunter (2008)

Dragon Hunter (2008)

Directors : Steve Shimek

Writer (WGA) : Steve Shimek (script)

Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller

Tagline : A Hero Becomes a Legend

Plot : Orphaned as a baby when his parents were killed in a vicious orc attack, Kendrick of Elwood was raised by his elder brother.

Sumber :

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Need for Speed: Underground 2

Need for Speed: Underground 2

Need for Speed: Underground 2 (NFSU2) is a cross-platform racing video game published and developed by Electronic Arts. Released in 2004, it is the sequel to Need for Speed: Underground, and is part of the Need for Speed series, available on GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance and Windows. It was developed by EA Black Box.

The game is based around tuning cars for street races, resuming the Need for Speed: Underground storyline. Need for Speed: Underground 2 provides several new features, such as a broader customization, new methods of selecting races, the "explore" mode (just driving around freely, similar to Grand Theft Auto, in a large city known as "Bayview"). Underground 2 also introduces several SUVs, which could be customized as extensively as other Underground 2 vehicles and used to race against other SUV racers. Brooke Burke is the voice of Rachel Teller, the person who guides the player through the story.

Download Need for Speed: Underground 2 via :

|indowebster| : Part01 | Part02

Naruto Shippuuden

Naruto Shippuuden

Naruto Shippuuden

Download Naruto Shippuuden :

Naruto Shippuuden Movie :

AVI Version (sekitar 170an MB per episode) dan RMVB Version (sekitar 30-40an MB per episode)

Episode 001-002: It's Finally Starting! Naruto Shippuuden Special!

Episode 003: Training Results

Episode 004: The Sand's Jinchuuriki

Episode 005: As the Kazekage...!

Episode 006-007: Art is Blast! Naruto Shippuuden Special!

Episode 008-009: Team Kakashi Sets Out! Naruto Shippuuden Special

Episode 010: Sealing Jutsu: Phantom Dragon's Nine Seals

Episode 011: The Healing Ninja's Pupil

Episode 012: The Retired Old Lady's Resolve

Episode 013: The Fated Meetings

Episode 014: Naruto's Growth

Episode 015: The Hidden Orb's Name...!

Episode 016: The Secret Behind a Jinchuuriki

Episode 017: Gaara's Death!

Episode 018: Button Hook Entry

Episode 019: The Trap is Sprung! Team Gai's Enemies

Episode 020: Hiruko vs the Two Female Ninja

Episode 021: Sasori's Face

Episode 022-023: Naruto Shippuuden Special: Summer Battle!!

Episode 024: The Third Kazekage

Episode 025: Three Minutes between Life and Death

Episode 026: 10 Puppets VS 100 Puppets

Episode 027: The Dream that Couldn't Come True

Episode 028: The Resurrected Beasts

Episode 029-030: Blast Him Into the Next Dimension! Naruto Shippuuden Special

Episode 031: The Next Generation

Episode 032: The Kazekage's Return

Episode 033: The Next Target

Episode 034: The New Team Kakashi is Formed!

Episode 035: Unwanted Addition

Episode 036-037: The New Team Kakashi Sets Out! Naruto Shippuuden Special

Episode 038: Simulation

Episode 039: Heaven and Earth Bridge

Episode 040-041: The Time to Fight has Come! Naruto Shippuuden Special of Fate

Episode 042: Orochimaru VS Jinchuuriki

Episode 043: Sakura's Tears

Episode 044: The Truth About the Fight

Episode 045: The Consequence of Betrayal

Episode 046: The Unfinished Page

Episode 047: Infiltration! The Venomous Snake's Nest

Episode 048: Bonds

Episode 049: Something Important

Episode 050: The Picture Book's Story

Episode 051-052: Reunion - The Power of the Uchiha

Episode 053: Title
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 054: Nightmare

Episode 055: Wind

Episode 056: Squirming

Episode 057-058: Robbed of Sleep - Loneliness
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4 057] [MP4 058]

Episode 059: A New Enemy

Episode 060: Impermanence

Episode 060v2 : Impermanence

Episode 061: Contact

Episode 062: Teammate

Episode 063:The Two Kings

Episode 064-065: The Jet-Black Signal Fire - Lockdown of Darkness

Episode 066: Revived Souls

Episode 067: Everyone's Struggle to the Death

Episode 068-069: Moment of Awakening - Despair

Episode 070: Resonance
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 071: My Friend

Episode 072: The Quietly Approaching Threat

Episode 073: Akatsuki's Invasion
[AVI] [RMVB] [mp4]

Episode 074: Under the Starry Sky
[AVI] [RMVB] [mp4]

Episode 075: The Old Monk's Prayer
[AVI] [RMVB] [mp4]

Episode 076-077: The Next Step - Climbing Silver
[AVI] [RMVB] [mp4]

Episode 078-079: The Judgment - Unfulfilled Scream

Episode 080: Last Words
[AVI] [AVI] [RMVB] [mp4]

Episode 081: Sad News

Episode 082: Team Ten
[AVI] [MP4]

Episode 083: Target: Locked On
[AVI] [MP4]

Episode 084: Kakuzu's Abilities
[AVI] [MP4

Episode 085:Terrifying Secret

Episode 086-087: Shikamaru's Genius - When You Curse Someone, You Dig Your Own Grave

Episode 088: Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!

Episode 089: The Price of Power
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4] [FLV]

Episode 090: A Shinobi's Determination

Episode 091: Orochimaru's Hideout Discovered
[AVI] [RMVB] [MKV] [Subtitle Indonesia for MKV]

Episode 092: Encounter

Episode 093: Connecting Hearts
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 094: A Night of Rain
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 095: The Two Charms

Episode 096: The Unseeing Enemy
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 097: The Labyrinth of Distorted Reflection
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4] [MKV]

Episode 098: The Target Appears

Episode 099: The Rampaging Tailed Beast
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4]

Episode 100: Inside the Mist
[AVI] [RMVB] [MP4] [MKV]

Jamrud Album New Performance 2009 | Download mp3

Jamrud salah satu group band jawa barat asal Cimahi, Jawa Barat yang telah lama vacum, namun tahun 2009 ini kembali meluncurkan album terbaru mereka dengan titel “Jamrud - New Performance 2009”.Dengan menjagokan lagu Mimpi Menjadi Presiden diharapkan album ini bisa disukai pasar itulah harapan mereka. Tanpa Krisyanto vocalis utama jamrud sebelumnya yang digantikan Donal tentu saja ada pengaruh meskipun secara konsep musik tidak berbeda jauh. Silahkan anda membandingkan sendiri dan anda bisa download mp3 album Jamrud – New Performance 2009 dibawah ini :

Track List:
01 - Setan Manisku
02 - Ingin Kembali
03 - Tak Sempurna
04 - Mimpi Jadi Presiden
05 - Aku Vs. Jam Wekker
06 - Stop! Sampai Disini
07 - 1+2+3=Gila
08 - Tak Sempurna (Karaoke)
09 - Aku Vs. Jam Wekker (Karaoke)
10 - Ingin Kembali (Karaoke)

Download mp3 Jamrud Album New Performance 2009
Download - Setan Manisku.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - Ingin Kembali.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - Tak Sempurna.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - Mimpi Jadi Presiden.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - Aku Vs Jam Wekker.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - Stop Sampai Disini.mp3 - JAMRUD
Download - 1+2+3=Gila.mp3 - JAMRUD

Cube Desktop Pro v1.3.1

Cube Desktop Pro v1.3.1

Desktop creates six virtual and independent desktops, increasing the space you have to work and play. Being the most robust multiple desktop software, CubeDesktop solves the desktop clutter problem once and for all. Each virtual desktop is a distinct working environment.

The taskbar shows only the applications opened on the current desktop, greatly reducing the clutter. Use the 3D cube to preview, switch or move windows to another desktop. Or just for fun.

* Improve your Windows Vista experience. CubeDesktop is the best Vista addon so far,adding to your desktop incredible 2D and 3D effects.
* Windows and desktops update in realtime, like Windows Vista new thumbnails, but in true 3D.
* Impress everybody that looks at your computer and change the way you work with it!
Moving windows between desktops
* CubeDesktop offers various ways to move applications amongst desktops.
* Drag a window near the edge of the screen to show the 3D cube and drop it on the desktop of your choice.
* “SendTo” menu items integrated into all applications’ system menus allow you to send applications to the desired desktop.
* You can also use hotkeys to move the selected window to another desktop.

What’s new in the latest release?
• New effect 3D Desktop Roll
• Stability enhacenments
• New wallpaper and icon manager
• Support for panoramic 360є Compiz/Beryl •SkyDomes
• Button and axis invertion
• Support for the Windows key in hotkeys
• Automatically snap to the selected cube face
• Minor features and bug corrections

NOTE: This program uses next to no memory.

Screenshot :
Cube Desktop Pro v1.3.1

Homepage :

Download Cube Desktop Pro v1.3.1 via :

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|indowebster| : Download

Crazy Chicken Kart 2

Crazy Chicken Kart 2

Get ready to race at blistering speeds through the most addictive hair-raising tracks, with the craziest chicken in town. Join Crazy Chicken and his friends as you race your way through 8 exhilarating 3D worlds with explosive excitement around every corner.
Collect weapons as you race around the tracks and strategically fire them to drive your opponents off the road. Once you have proven your new skills in the championships, you will be awarded a higher powered racing kart for a faster and more furious race!

Special Features
8 exciting tracks
3 levels of difficulty
4 racing modes
2-player mode
Tons of Weapons
7 different drivers from the Crazy Chicken family to choose from

Screenshot :
click to enlarge

Download Crazy Chicken Kart 2 via :

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|indowebster| : Download

Dragon Hunters a.k.a. Chasseurs de dragons (2008) DVDRip

Dragon Hunters a.k.a. Chasseurs de dragons (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Guillaume Ivernel, Arthur Qwak

Writer (WGA) : Frédéric Lenoir (writer), Arthur Qwak (writer)

Release Date : 20 March 2008 (Russia)

Genre : Animation, Adventure, Fantasy

Tagline : Join the quest.

Plot : A fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters!

Sumber :

Download Dragon Hunters a.k.a. Chasseurs de dragons (2008) DVDRip via :

|indowebster| : Download Movie

Bedtime Stories (2008) DVDRip

Bedtime Stories (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Adam Shankman

Writer (WGA) : Matt Lopez and Tim Herlihy (screenplay)

Release Date : 31 December 2008 (Indonesia)

Genre : Comedy, Family, Fantasy

Tagline : Whatever they dream up... he has to survive.

Plot : A family comedy about a hotel handyman whose life changes when the lavish bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to magically come true.

Sumber :

Download Bedtime Stories (2008) DVDRip via :

|indowebster| : Download Movie

Inkheart (2008) DVDRip

Inkheart (2008) DVDRip

Directors : Iain Softley

Writer : David Lindsay-Abaire (screenplay), Cornelia Funke (novel)

Release Date : 23 January 2009 (USA)

Genre : Adventure, Family, Fantasy

Tagline : Every story ever written is just waiting to become real

Plot : A young girl discovers her father has an amazing talent to bring characters out of their books and must try to stop a freed villain from destroying them all, with the help of her father, her aunt, and a storybook's hero.

Sumber :

Download Inkheart (2008) DVDRip :

|indowebster| : CD01 | CD02 | Subtitle

Si Jago Merah (2008)

Si Jago Merah (2008)

Jenis Film : Drama/comedy - Remaja (teenage)
Produser : Chand Parwez Servia
Produksi : Kharisma Starvision Plus

Pemain : Ringgo Agus Rahman, Desta Club 80’s, Ytonk Club 80’s, Judika, Poppy Sovia, Tika Putri, Sarah Sechan
Sutradara : Iqbal Rais

Gito Prawoto (Desta Club 80’s), Dede Rifai (Ringgo Agus Rahman), Kuncoro Prasetyo (Ytonk Club 80’s) & Rojak Panggabean (Judika) terancam D.O. gara-gara menunggak uang kuliah selama 4 semester berturut-turut, orang tua mereka ternyata sudah tidak bisa lagi membiayai kuliah. Pihak Kampus memberikan kelonggaran agar mereka bisa tetap kuliah, tapi tetap harus membayar minimal satu semester dalam waktu beberapa hari

Masing-masing mencari uang. Ternyata mereka tetap butuh biaya untuk hidup sehari-hari, apalagi sebagian dari mereka sebelumnya bergaya hidup ibu kota

Kuncoro memberikan solusi agar biaya operasional terjangkau dan mengajak mereka mencari rumah kontrakan dekat kampus, dan menjalani pola hidup sederhana. Solusi lainnya adalah kerja magang, tapi magang itu membuat mereka kelelahan. Jadwal kuliah menjadi berantakan. Gito mendapatkan ide untuk mencari part time job yang tidak melelahkan dan menyita banyak waktu yaitu sebagai pemadam kebakaran

Singkat cerita setelah ikut pelatihan, mereka diterima kerja magang di Pemadam Kebakaran, sebagai Pasukan Cadangan dengan perlengkapan seadanya dan diberi tugas untuk merawat mobil pemadam kebakaran yang sudah tua, yang dikenal dengan sebutan SI JAGO MERAH

Mahasiswa-mahasiswa “tidak-beruntung” ini mendapatkan jatidirinya lewat sebuah tindakan heroik tanpa pamrih yang membuat mereka mendapat penghargaan dari Walikota (Rano Karno)

Sumber :,movie,1967.htm

Download Si Jago Merah (2008) via :

|indowebster| : CD01 | CD02

Kutunggu Jandamu (2008)

Kutunggu Jandamu (2008)

Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Ody M. Hidayat
Produksi : Maxima Pictures

Pemain : Dewi Perssik, Andi Soraya, Chintyara Alona, Yana Zein, Fara Diana, Eddi Brokoli, Fara Diana
Sutradara : Findo Purwono Hw
Penulis : Alim Sudio

Perssik, menjadi janda setelah bercerai dari suaminya, Rozak, namun Rozak tidak begitu saja mau melepaskan Perssik, dia melakukan berbagai cara untuk mempersulit hidup Perssik, agar Perssik kembali padanya. Situasi menjadi tambah rumit bagi Perssik ketika dia harus menumpang dirumah kakaknya, Cherry, di sebuah lingkungan kompleks yang semula tenang, namun berubah menjadi 'panas' sejak kehadiran Perssik di sana

Sumber :,movie,1952.htm

Download Kutunggu Jandamu (2008) via :

|indowebster| : CD01 | CD02

Killshot (2008) DVDRip

Killshot (2008) DVDRip

Directors : John Madden

Writer : Hossein Amini (screenplay), Elmore Leonard (novel)

Release Date : 23 January 2009 (USA)

Genre : Action, Drama, Thriller

Tagline : Yesterday she was a witness. Today she's a target.

Plot : Beautiful Carmen Colson and her ironworker husband Wayne are placed in the Federal Witness Protection program after witnessing an "incident". Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer. The ensuing struggle will test Carmen to the limit.

Sumber :

Download Killshot (2008) DVDRip :

|zshare| : Download Movie

Hot Rod (2007) DVDRip

Hot Rod (2007) DVDRip

Directors : Akiva Schaffer

Writer (WGA) : Pam Brady (written by)

Release Date : 3 August 2007 (USA)

Genre : Comedy

Tagline : Smack destiny in the face

Plot : Self-proclaimed stuntman Rod Kimble is preparing for the jump of his life - to clear fifteen buses to raise money for his abusive stepfather Frank's life-saving heart operation.

Sumber :

Download Hot Rod (2007) DVDRip via :

|indowebster| : Download Movie | Download En Subtitle

Dowbload Mp3 J-Rocks Spirit Full Album

Track List :
01. Cobalah Kau Mengerti
02. Spirit
03. Juwita Hati
04. Tersesal
05. Kau Curi Lagi (Ft. Prisa)
06. Saatnya Kau Bicara
07. Mestinya Kau Tahu
08. PDKT
09. Aku Harus Bisa
10. Semakin Sendiri
Download Mp3 J-Rocks Album Spirit
Download - Cobalah Kau Mengerti.mp3 - J-ROCKS
Download - Tersesal.mp3 - J-ROCKS
Download - Kau Curi Lagi.mp3 - J-ROCKS feat PRISA
Download - Mestinya Kau tahu.mp3 - J-ROCKS
Download - PDKT.mp3 - J-ROCKS
Download - Aku Harus Bisa.mp3 - J-ROCKS
Download - Semakin Sendiri.mp3 - J-ROCKS